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Recent Group News & Activities
- December, 2024- Congratulations to Vishal on receiving the 'Dr. Subasini Lenka Best Poster Award for the year 2024' in the 38th Annual Conference of Odisha Chemical Society (OCS) and National Conference on Advancements in Materials Chemistry (AMC) held at OUTR, Bhubaneswar!
- December, 2024- Congratulations to Vishal for his new paper in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
- August, 2024-Congratulations to Shital for her new paper in New Journal of Chemistry.
- July, 2024-Dash Research Group welcomes Ms. Pratikshya Samantaray as a new PhD student to the group. Welcome Pratikshya!
- July, 2024- Congratulations to Adyasha for her new paper in ACS Applied Electronic Materials.
- June 30, 2024- Prof. Dash has completed his 3 years headship (HOD) in the department of Chemistry at NIT Rourkela. A great administrative experience for Prof. Dash.
- May, 2024- Our MSc project student Mr. Jyotiraditya Samantaray has joined Prof. Rober W. J. Scott's lab at U of Saskatchewan, Canada for a 3 month MITACS Internship Programme. Congrats Jyoti!
- March, 2024- Congratulations to Shital for her new paper in ACS Applied Electronic Materials.
- March, 2024- Congratulations to Vishal for his new paper in Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research.
- February, 2024- Congratulations to Banalata for successfully defending her thesis. She is Dr. Banalata from now onwards.
- January, 2024- Banalata started her new journey as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Electrical Engineering Department of IIT Hyderabad. Congrats Lata!
- December, 2023- Congratulations to Banalata for her new paper in Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical.
- September, 2023- Congratulations to Vishal on winning the "Best Poster Award" in the 1st KIIT-CRSI Seminar on Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences held in KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
- July, 2023- Congratulations to Pratap for successfully defending his thesis. He is Dr. Pratap from now onwards.
- July, 2023- Congratulations to Banalata for her new paper in Environmental Science: Nano.
- June, 2023- Congratulations to Pratap for his new paper in New Journal of Chemistry.
- May, 2023-Congratulations to Shital for her new paper in Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry..
- March, 2023- Prof. Dash has been promoted to Full Professor position. Congratulations!
- February, 2023- Congratulations to Banalata for her new paper in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
- January, 2023- Congratulations to Banalata for her new paper in Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical.
- January, 2023- Dash Research Group welcomes Mr. Bhisma Mahananda as new PhD student in the group. Welcome Bhisma!
- July, 2022- Dr. Satish has joined SKKU Uiverisity, South Korea as Postdoctoral Fellow. Congrats Satish!
- March, 2022- Congratulations to Satish for his new paper in Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- February, 2022- Congratulations to Banalata for her new paper in Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry.
- February, 2022- Congratulations to Pratap for his new paper in New Journal of Chemistry.
- January, 2022- Congraulations to Bapun for his new book chapter in Bio-based Nanomaterials, Mishra, A. K.., Hussain S. (eds), Elsevier.
- December, 2021- Bapun's paper in Environmental Science:Nano has been selected for Kulamani Das Memorial Award in Environmental Science by Odisha Chemical Society as the Best Ppaer in Environmental Science, 2021. Congrats Bapun!
- December, 2021- Dr. Dash has received one SERB project as Mentor under TARE scheme.
- October, 2021- Bapun has joined Chonnam National University, South Korea as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Congrats Bapun!
- September, 2021-Congratulations to Bapun for his new paper in Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research.
- August, 2021- Dash Research Group welcomes Ms. Ayasha Das as new PhD student in the group. Welcome Adysha!
- July, 2021- Congratulations to Bapun for his new paper in Environmental Science: Nano.
- July, 2021- Prof. Dash has taken the new responsibility of being the new Head of the Department of Chemistry, NIT Rourkela, Odisha.
- June, 2021- Congratulations to Bapun for successfully defending his thesis. He is Dr. Bapun from now onwards.
- May, 2021- Congratulations to Basanti for her new paper in Ceramics International.
- April, 2021- Congratulations to Bapun for his new paper in ChemistrySelect.
- March, 2021- Dash Research Group welcomes Mr. Vishal Rout as new PhD student in the group. Welcome Vishal!
- February, 2021- Dr. Satish's PhD thesis was awarded with Prof. G. B. Behera best PhD thesis of 2020 by Odisha Chemcial Society. Congrats Dr. Satish! This is the second PhD thesis form Dash Group to be awarded as best PhD thesis.
- November, 2020-Congratulations Aniket for his paper being accepted in Materials Chemistry & Physics.
- July, 2020- Satish has started his career as Assistant Professor in CV Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar. All the Best Satish!
- June, 2020-Congratulations to Satish for successfully defending his PhD thesis. He is Dr. Satish from now onward.
- April, 2020-Congratulations to Bapun for his new book chapter in Nanotechnology in the Beverage Industry, Amrane A., Rajendran S., Nguyen T. A., Ashraf A. A., Hussain S. (eds), Elsevier.
- March, 2020- Prof. Dash has been awarded a research funding from DST, Odisha for a period of three years (2020-2023).
- February, 2020- Prof. Dash has received a minor research grant from TEQIP-3.
- January, 2020- Our paper in New Journal of Chemistry has been selected as the Front Cover of the journal. This has been the first Front Cover page from Nanochemistry lab. Kudos to Bapun.
- December, 2019-Congratulations to Satish for his paper being accepted in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- December, 2019-Satish's paper in Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical has been selected for Kulamani Das Memorial Award in Environmental Science by Odisha Chemical Society as the Best Paper in Environmental Science, 2019. Congrats Satish!
- September, 2019-Congratulations to Bapun for his paper being accepted in New Journal of Chemistry. This paper also selected as Cover page in the the journal.
- August, 2019-Our MSc student Swaroop joined University of Strasbourg, France for PhD programme. Best of luck Swaroop!
- August, 2019-Our MSc student Sangram joined Pusan National University, South Korea for PhD programme. Best of luck Sangram!
- August, 2019-Congratulations to Bapun for his paper being accepted in Materials Chemistry and Physics.
August, 2019-Congratulations to Satish for his paper being accepted in Catalysis Today.
July, 2019-Dash group welcomes new PhD student, Ms. Shital Jyotsna Sahoo to the group.
July, 2019-Congratulations to Lipika for securing her postdoctoral position at Trinity college, Ireland. Great going Lipika!
- June, 2019-Congratulations to Satish for publishing a book chapter Handbook of Polymer and Ceramic Nanotechnology, C. M. Hussain and S. Thomas (Eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland.
June, 2019-Congratulations to Pratap for publishing an article in Molecular Catalysis.
May 2019-Dash group welcomes three summer students this summer.
May, 2019-Congratulations to Lipika for publishing an article in ChemistrySelect.
May, 2019 -Congratulations to Lipika for publishing an article in Materials Chemistry and Physics.
February, 2019-Congratulations to Basanti for securing her postdoctoral position at Riga Technical University in a Lativia/Finaland/UK joint project. Great going Basanti!
Lipika's thesis has been selected as Best PhD thesis of 2018 by Odisha Chemical Society. Congrats Lipika!
December, 2018-Congratulation to Dr. Priyabrat for the Young Scientist Award 2018 by the Odisha Chemical Society.
October, 2018-Congratulation to Basanti for publishing a research article in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.
July 2018-Dash group welcomes Ms. Banalata Majhi as a PhD student in the group. Welcome Lata!
May, 2018-Congratulation to Satish for publishing a research article in Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical. Our group published first article in gas sensing in this Journal!
May, 2018-Dash group welcomes three summer students this summer.
April, 2018-Congratulations to Lipika for securing a postdoctoral position in Pusan National University, South Korea.Great going Lipika!
March, 2018-Congratulations to Aniket for securing a postdoctoral position in Chonnam National University, South Korea. Great going Aniket!
February, 2018-Congratulation to Dr. Priyabrat for being promoted to Associate Professor.
January, 2018-Congratulation to Aniket for successfully defending his PhD thesis. He is Dr. Aniket from now onward.
December, 2017-Congratulation to Basanti for successfully defending her PhD thesis. She is Dr. Basanti from now onward.
December, 2017-Congratulation to Lipika for successfully defending her PhD thesis. She is Dr. Lipika from now onward.
July, 2016- Dash group welcomes Mr. Bapun Barik and Mr. Pratap Sagar Nayak as new PhD student in the group. Welcome Bapun and Pratap!
March, 2016- Aniket won the Best Research Scholar of NIT Rourkela in Research Scholars' Week. Congrats Aniket!